Lakeside Drive-in /Guest House & Pension Lakeside
Lakeside Drive-in /Guest House & Pension Lakeside
Available for sightseeing and business. Oirase Gorge, you can walk while breathing the natural air, stars in the night sky from each room, and a view of Lake Towada, available for families, small groups, couples, etc.
- ●Meals
- ●Accomodations
ADDRESSTowadakohan, Utarube 165, Okuse, Towada, Aomori
TELLakeside Drive-in:0176-75-2159 / Guest House & Pension Lakeside:0176-75-2625
CLOSED DAYNone (Irregular holidays) Call us and check before.
PARKINGAvailable / capacity 20(car),10(motorbike)